1 | 我们将充分利用世界贸易组织成员提供的最惠国待遇、取消对中国歧视性限制等有利条件,积极开拓新的市场。 | China will make full use of the favorable conditions provided by other WTO members, such as most favored-nation status and the elimination of discriminative restrictions, to actively explore new markets | |
2 | 我们现在还没有建立一个让艺术家生活安定,并充分发挥才华的机制。 | We have yet to develop a system that will provide them with a stable life that allows them to make full use of their potential and creativity. | |
3 | 我们只有充分地发挥人的能动性,才能充分地利用机器来改造自然。 | Only when we give full play to man’s initiative can we make full use of machines to transform nature. | |
4 | 我要充分利用我剩下的岁月尽量为人民多做些事。 | I must make full use of the time there is left to me and do as much as I can for the people. | |
5 | 我赞成这样一种意见,即我们必须充分利用现有的技术设备。 | I strongly incline to the view that we must make full use of the existing technical equipment. | |
6 | 我正处在人生精力充沛时期,我渴望充分利用所学为社会服务。 | I am in the prime of my life and long to make full use of my knowledge and ability to serve the society. | |
7 | 吸收能力强的国家[石油输出国]:指资本盈余的石油出口国,既是净资本输入国,又能充分利用石油生产的收入来发展国内经济的国家。 | High absorber [oil exporter]: Oil exporting capital surplus country which is a net importer of capital and has been able to make full use of revenues from oil production for domestic development. | |
8 | 宣传国家出台的出口退(免)税政策,为出口企业提供必要的咨询和查询服务,帮助出口企业更好地了解掌握、用好用足出口退(免)税政策。 | Publicize the export tax rebate (exemption)policies, provide the export enterprises with necessary consultation and inquiry services and help the export enterprises to better grasp and make full use of the aforesaid policies. | |
9 | 要充分利用一切机会说英语。 | Make full use of every chance you have to speak English. | |
10 | 耶和华阿,求你用手救我脱离世人,脱离那只在今生有福分的世人。你把你的财宝充满他们的肚腹。他们因有儿女就心满意足,将其余的财物留给他们的婴孩。 | With your hand, O Lord, from men, even men of the world, whose heritage is in this life, and whom you make full with your secret wealth: they are full of children; after their death their offspring take the rest of their goods. | |
11 | 因得到某人的帮助而给予厚礼回报. | Make full requital to sb for his help | |
12 | 有效利用纤维技术综合实力的"Pyrofile" | "Pytofile"-Make Full Use of the Comprehensive Abilities in Fiber Technology | |
13 | 允许某人[得到许可/获准]充分使用某物 | Give sb/get/have permission to make full use of sth | |
14 | 再说说尊重艺术家。 | As for according artists the respect they deserve, we have yet to develop a system that will provide them with a stable life that allows them to make full use of their potential and creativity | |
15 | 这句话不是他说的第一句对我来说没有多大意义的话。也许他的意思是现在他要转往其它方向。我告诉他,“我有办法到达目的地的。” | That wasn’t the first thing he’d said that didn’t make full sense to me. Maybe he meant he was turning in another direction now. "I’ll make it on in" I told him. | |
16 | 真正懂得利用时间的人,他的生命价值也就因之增加. | The value of a man’s life increases with the fact that he really knows how to make full use of his time. | |
17 | 中国软件产业要发展,就必须抓住机遇,充分利用国际国内两个市场,优化资源配置,积极参与国际分工与合作, | To secure development of its software industry, China must grasp the opportunities, make full use of the international and domestic markets, optimize resource allocation, take an active part in the international distribution of labor and cooperation, | |
18 | ||1:“政策”似乎在解释东德全职就业人数下降方面发挥了重要作用。||2:尽管最近发生了一些变化,但统一后的德国和德国联邦政府的政策一样,仍然假设女性首先应该是妻子和母亲。||3:对已婚夫妇的联合征税、对配偶的免费共同保险、以及对“迷你工作”或低工时合同的税收减免,可能对鼓励西德妇女延长工作时间并使东德妇女放弃全职工作没有什么帮助。 | ||1:Policy seems to play a powerful role in explaining the collapse in full-time employment in the east.||2:Despite some recent changes, the policies of unified Germany, like those of the FRG, still assume that women are wives and mothers first.||3:Joint taxation of married couples, free co-insurance for spouses and tax breaks for "mini jobs", or low-hours contracts, probably did little to encourage women in the west to up their hours, and put those in the east off full-time work. | |
19 | ||1:30年过去了,情况发生了怎样的变化?有两点很突出。||2:首先,自两德统一以来,人们的行为发生了巨大的变化:有年幼子女的东德女性全职工作的比例1990年时为一半以上,而2018年则下降到不足三分之一。||3:德国有越来越多的女性从事兼职工作。||4:东西方差距依然存在。||5:东德全职妈妈的比例是西德的两倍多。||6:结果就是,东德女性的收入比男性少7%,而西德男女收入的差距是22%。||7:该报道认为,造成这些趋势的原因是政策和态度。 | ||1: Three decades on, how has the picture changed?Two things stand out. ||2: First, behaviour has changed drastically since unification: the share of eastern women with young children working full-time fell from over half in 1990 to just under a third in 2018. ||3: More women across Germany are working part-time. ||4: Second, east-west differences still exist. ||5: The share of eastern mums in full-time work is more than double that in the west. ||6: As a result, whereas women in the east earn 7% less than men, the gap in the west is 22%. ||7: The report argues that policy and attitudes together explain these trends. | |
20 | ||1:不过,随着时间的推移,人们的态度也发生了变化。||2:值得注意的是,不管是在东德还是西德,1975之后出生的女性比年长的女性更有可能否认全职妈妈,这推翻了年轻女性更热衷于工作的观点,或许女性的观点是由她们所面临的政策决定的。||3:凯瑟琳·若珂是该报告的作者之一,她也怀疑这种转变标志着年轻女性对德意志民主共和国的双职工模式和德意志联邦共和国的单职工模式的排斥。||4:她说:“相反,年轻一代似乎热衷于半工作模式。”这一偏好可能需要相应的政策予以回应。 | ||1: Attitudes have also changed over time, though. ||2: Strikingly, women born after 1975 in both the east and west are more likely to disapprove of mothers in full-time work than older ones, putting paid to the idea that younger women are keener on work. Perhaps women’s views are shaped by the policies they face. ||3: Katharina Wrohlich, one of the report’s authors, also suspects that the shift marks a rejection by younger women of both the dual-earner model of the GDR and the single-earner model of the FRG. ||4: "Instead the younger generation seems to be aspiring to the one-and-a-half jobs model," she says—a preference that policy may need to respond to in turn. | |
21 | ||1:在1990年东部的德意志民主共和国和德意志联邦共和国合并之时,年幼子女的妈妈们过着截然不同的生活,东德的预期寿命和收入较低,不过对于劳动力市场结果来说,共产主义至少维护了在性别平等方面作出了贡献。||2:在国家政策和政党意识形态的鼓励下,妈妈们几乎和爸爸们一样愿意工作,而且大多是全职工作。||3:在西德,政府和教会鼓励妈妈们呆在家里,只有不到一半的妈妈们有带薪工作,而且大多是兼职。 | ||1:When the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in the east united with the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in 1990, the mothers of young children led very different lives.Life expectancy and incomes were much lower in the east, but communism did at least seem to lead to greater gender equality in labour-market outcomes.||2:Encouraged by state policies and party ideology, mothers were almost as likely to work as fathers, and most worked full-time.||3:In the west, where state and church encouraged mums to stay at home, less than half were in paid employment, and most of those worked part-time. | |
22 | 与此同时,“态度”可能是解释东西德之间长期存在工作时长差距的部分原因:在统一30年之后,东德女性仍然更倾向于认可全职妈妈。这与早期的发现相一致,即东德人可能更倾向于用平等的眼光看待性别角色。 | Attitudes, meanwhile, may help explain part of the lasting hours gap between east and west: 30 years after unification, eastern women are still more likely to approve of full-time working mums. This chimes with earlier findings that east Germans are more likely to have an egalitarian view of the roles of the sexes. | |
23 | 按照市场规律办事充分利用现有水源 | Act according to the Market Regularity and make Full Use of the Existing Water- sources | |
24 | 帮助高校学生做好充分的心理准备,对学生顺利求职择业极为重要。 | Helping college students to make full psychological preparation is helpful to students for employment. | |
25 | 充分把你的零碎时间利用好了,你就已经比别人走远了很多很多! | If you can make full use of the time you waste every day, then you have already gone farther than many others. | |
26 | 充分发挥车机联控确保铁路运输安全 | Make Full Use of Train Machine Control and Ensure Train Transportation Safety | |
27 | 充分发挥高校共青团在社区先进文化建设中的作用 | Make Full Use of the Role of Communist Youth League of College and Universities in the Construction of Advanced Community Culture | |
28 | 充分发挥监理工程师作用加强施工阶段质量控制 | Make full use of supervision engineers to tighten the quality control in construction | |
29 | 充分发挥外汇政策作用支持阜新民营企业发展 | Make Full Use of the Foreign Exchange Policy and Support the Development of Private Enterprises in Fuxin | |
30 | 充分发挥香港、澳门在国家整体发展战略中的独特作用。 | We will make full use of the unique role Hong Kong and Macao play in China’s overall development strategy. |